Wow...we have so much to catch up on. The last time I left you was when we were on our way to the Bahamas. We arrived at the Bahamas on Friday, August 6, 2010. It was beautiful. The people were kind and generous.
As we walk through town, there we see a Harley Davidson and Starbucks Coffee. YES! Caffe Mocha and a Caramel Frapp...not like the USA but it was good enough. So we walked around for a short time then grabbed a taxi to Paradise Island, Atlantis Bahamas. There we had an amazing experience. We swam with Leo the Sea Lion. Leo was a gentle sea lion. He loved people. He gave out free kisses and hugs. He loved to smile and stick out his tongue. Anthony thought he could go in Leo's pool and swim with him....Not today:) Although we stood in the middle of the pool with Leo and were so close to him that wasn't good enough for Anthony. He had a great time. Leo smacked a kiss right on Anthony's head. 
It was nice to see how courageous Anthony was being next to a few hundred pound animal. His face tells it all. Not only was it hilarious that he thought he could swim with Leo when he was being held by me but when Leo got close and personal with Anthony he was scared to death. That fear passed quickly. Now it was time to hug and feed Leo. We picked a nice looking fish for Leo and in the mouth it went. Anthony was not afraid at all. During our visit with Leo, Leo was arrested. Apparently he is used to being arrested. He likes to steal fish from other sea lions. He jumped right on the wall and was patted down. He was found clean; however, Leo took it upon himself and stuck his tongue out at his trainer before jumping back into the pool.
After our experience at Atlantis, we headed back to port. We grabbed another Taxi, this time an Escalade Taxi. We were pimping back into town. By this time, Anthony has passed out from pure exhaustion so we headed back to Starbucks to relax. Once Anthony woke up, we walked on the strip where you find the high-end stores: Max, Coach, Fendi, Guess, and much more. It was crazy. Prices were no different; however, you had to watch your pockets. There were plenty of pick pocketers...they were like hawks. Don't stop at an ATM because you were being scoped out by someone on the street to tag you. So needless to say, we left and headed back to the ship. Back on the ship, Anthony and I took a dip in the Mickey Mouse pool. Anthony met the height requirement so he headed down the twisty slide into Mickey's hand. He loved the rush of water that smacked his face at the end...Then it was time for dinner. Ed and I had a date at Palo Dining Room, adult only dining area so Anthony headed to Flounder's Nursery Reef for a few hours. Upon entering our room, we found a "lobster" made from our room towels. It was "Pirate" night on the ship so we were left gold coins.
Every night we were left with a "towel animal". This was the coolest one yet. So off to dinner we went and off to the nursery Anthony went. He absolutely loved his experience in the nursery. Goofy and Max came in to visit and play with them. They did arts and crafts and got to play with other children around the same age. They had movie time, pool time, and other activities that were age appropriate. It was nice for him and nice for us.Now this next experience was nothing you can ever experience on any other cruise line. It was "Pirates IN the Caribbean Party" night. All the characters and most of the guest dressed like pirates. The kids had a blast. At the end of the party, (around 10:30p.m.) we had fireworks...that's right fireworks in the middle of the ocean. Disney is the ONLY cruise line that has a license to do this. Of course...Lol. I must say it was spectacular.

The picture is priceless of the sea lion kissing him....Your hair looks cute...Looks like you got color on this trip.....